Philmont 2024
Cavalcade Expedition Number 716-CX
Itinerary 4A-N
7/16/2024-7/24/2024 – Leaving 7/15/2023
- Riders Must be able to mount unassisted, ride balanced and alert, and must not exceed 200 lbs.
- Long Pants
- Riding Boots [Western riding boots (smooth-soled, with a 1” heel, no laced boots allowed)]
- Raincoat with a hood and rain pants (The pants need to be one size larger than the participant would usually wear or large enough to allow for flexibility in mounting and riding.)
- Helmets while on horseback (provided by Philmont)
- Class A Uniform
- See full packing list below
Health Form:
- A, B and C
- Include Insurance company name and Policy number
- Please attach a copy of health insurance card (front & back to Health Form)
- July 15– Travel (About 11-hour drive) to New Mexico (Stay at campsite near Philmont)
- Meet at 7 AM
- Eat before you come
- Bring Sack Lunch (We will stop to eat on the way)
- We will provide dinner at camp site
- Bring Snacks if you want them (No sunflower seeds or messy snacks)
Philmont 24 Hour Emergency Number – 575-376-2281 (RESTRICTED TO EXTREME EMERGENCIES ONLY)
Other helpful items:
- Philmont Packing List or under Forms/Information link.
- Guidebook to Adventure (Cavalcade info only)
- Guidebook to Adventure (Full)
- Itinerary 4A-N